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October 26-27, 2006
Hard-Wiring Inclusion
Online workshops Fall 2005.

Fact sheets about accessibility of telecommunications in Canada

Dis-IT produced four fact sheets about how the accessibility of telecommunications in Canada is affected by new technologies, industry trends, and how the industry is regulated. These fact sheets are useful resources for anyone interested in participating in the CRTC’s proceeding that is examining unresolved issues relating to the accessibility of telecommunications and broadcasting services to people with disabilities .

Click here to view the fact sheets in PDF or Word format.

Report from conference where industry representatives and people with people with disabilities discussed strategies for making accessible IT

A detailed report is now available from Dis-IT's October 2006 Hard-Wiring Inclusion conference which featured frank panel discussions with people with disabilities, equipment manufacturers, lawyers, accessibility consultants, and researchers, as well as presentations about Dis-IT’s research.

Database of free & inexpensive adaptive hardware & software

The Adaptech Research Network expanded its online database of free and inexpensive adaptive computer hardware and software as part of Adaptech's work in the Dis-IT Research Alliance. The database now covers over 125 products in eight categories including writing tools, screen magnifiers, screen readers, dictation software, and optical character recognition software.

International journal devotes special issue to Dis-IT research

The international academic journal The Information Society (TIS) devoted a 2007 special issue to articles from the Dis-IT Research Alliance’s research and events . The special issue provides a mix of academic and non-academic perspectives, including articles from academics, business consultants, and a Canadian disability advocacy organization.

Welcome to Dis-IT!

The Disability and Information Technologies (Dis-IT) Research Alliance is examining how information technologies can increase the quality of life and the inclusion of Canadians with disabilities in four theme areas:

Clicking on any of those themes will open a sub-menu on the left side navigation bar that provides links to information about the research being conducted in that theme, the theme's researchers and partner organizations, products, and related resources. The horizontal top navigation bar provides:

Page modified: June 28 2008 14:22:47